Hollis mason autobiography of jose

Hollis mason autobiography of jose!

On my first reading of Watchmen, I expected the text pieces in the back of each issue would all be excerpted chapters from Hollis Mason’s autobiography Under the Hood, as each of the first three chapters included these excerpts.  I found it interesting – delving into Mason’s psyche to see what prompted him to become a costumed adventurer humanized him in a way that could not be fully realized in the main comic.  And, by way of Mason’s inside knowledge, I also got to know the other members of his “spandex set.”  Of course, once I read chapter four, it was evident Moore planned on utilizing a variety of “resources” from the world of Watchmen to fully flesh out these characters. 

Much of the text in Under the Hood only tangentially relates to the main narrative, as it mostly deals with Hollis Mason’s personal history.  But Moore also peppers these excerpts with little details that flesh out the

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