Page 87 of my autobiography sample

Page 87 of my autobiography sample...

Autobiography of my life

Page 87 of My Autobiography

was the eighteenth person off of the airplane. When I saw her I couldn’t think of a single better thing to do than tackle her to the ground with all of the hugs I’d been saving.

People looked at us like we were crazy, but we ignored the jetlagged businessmen and continued with our hug on the tiled floor.

I was almost too excited to drive home, but I had to, so I tried my hardest to focus on the road.

I couldn’t help glancing over every minute or so to make sure that her soft pale skin, cheerful smile, and fire-red hair were still actually there. She tapped her feet together and rolled the window up and down and fought me for control of the radio.

My biography

It was as if she had never left, except that she now had innumerable new stories to tell me, and hardly let me speak.

“I could drink,” she told me, “like, alcohol. I was old enough there. I wasn’t very keen on drinking, but basically everyone sixteen and over in Ger

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