Ancient rome timeline ducksters biography

Ancient rome timeline ducksters biography.

Ancient rome timeline for kids

Ancient Rome

Map of the Eastern and Western Roman Empire right before the fall
by Cthuljew at Wikimedia Commons

The "fall" of Rome discussed here is referring to the Western Roman Empire which was ruled by Rome.

The Eastern Roman Empire became known as the Byzantium Empire and remained in power for another 1000 years.

The City of Rome is Sacked

The city of Rome was thought by many to be unconquerable. However, in 410 AD, a Germanic barbarian tribe called the Visigoths invaded the city.

They looted the treasures, killed and enslaved many Romans, and destroyed many buildings.

When did the roman empire begin and end?

This was the first time in 800 years that the city of Rome had been sacked.

Rome Falls

In 476 AD, a Germanic barbarian by the name of Odoacer took control of Rome. He became king of Italy and forced the last emperor of Rome, Romulus Augustulus, to give up his crown.

Many historians consider this to be the end of the Roman Empire.

The Dark Ages Begins

With the fall of Rome, many changes occur

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