Anita jeram biography

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Anita jeram biography!

Anita Jeram (1965-) Biography

Born 1965, in Portsmouth, England; Education: Attended Portsmouth College of Art, 1983; Manchester Polytechnic, B.A. (with honors), 1990. Hobbies and other interests: Pet-keeping, all art and craft work, natural history.


Agent—c/o Author Mail, Walker Books Ltd., 87 Vauxhall Walk, London SE11 5HJ, England.


Factory worker, Portsmouth, England, 1983-85; kennel assistant, Hampshire, England, 1985-86; shop assistant, Portsmouth, England, 1986; freelance author and illustrator, Anita Jeram 1990—.

Member, Ulster Wildlife Trust, and St. Tiggywinkles Hospital for Sick and Injured Wildlife; founding member of Reptile and Amphibian Society of Northern Ireland.

Honors Awards

Highly commendable designation, Benson & Hedges Illustration Awards, 1989; shortlisted for Kurt Maschler Award, British Book Trust, 1994; shortlisted for Best Illustrated Children's Book of the Year, Publishing News British Book Awards, 1994;

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