Missionary biography david livingstone quote

Missionary biography david livingstone quote...

David Livingstone

David Livingstone (19 March1813 – 1 May1873) was a Scottish missionary and explorer of the Victorian era, now best remembered because of his meeting with Henry Morton Stanley which gave rise to the popular quotation, "Dr.

Livingstone, I presume?"


  • All I can say in my solitude is, may Heaven's rich blessing come down on every one American, English, Turk who will help to heal this open sore of the world.

    David livingstone prayer

  • People talk of the sacrifice I have made in spending so much of my life in Africa. Can that be called a sacrifice which is simply paid back as a small part of a great debt owing to our God, which we can never repay?

    Is that a sacrifice which brings its own blest reward in healthful activity, the consciousness of doing good, peace of mind, and a bright hope of a glorious destiny hereafter? Away with the word in such a view and with such a thought!

    How did david livingstone die

    It is emphatically no sacrifice. Say rather it is a privilege. Anxiety, sickness, suffering

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