Detective john amos death hoax
Detective john amos death hoax...
Actor John Amos, known for his phenomenal role in the American sitcom Good Times, passed away on August 21, 2024, but the news went viral only two months after his death.
His son Kelly Christopher Amos, aka K.C. Amos, shared the news in October 2024.
Reports mentioned the cause of his death as congestive heart failure.
Detective john amos suicide
However, his passing away became a controversial event as the actor’s daughter Shannon Amos claimed she learned about her father’s death in October 2024 like everyone else.
In a People Magazine exclusive from December 26, 2024, it was mentioned that Shannon hired legal counsel to look into her father’s death after accusing her brother of elder abuse.
However, Kelly responded to his sister’s efforts disregarding the elder abuse claims.
He said John Amos led a healthy life till his death. In a statement to the magazine outlet, Kelly mentioned:
“Let me be clear and transparent. There has been no physical, financial, emotional, psychological elder abuse or neglect