Socrates biography wikipedia
Socrates' philosophy
Socrates biography wikipedia...
Socrates: Early Years
Socrates was born and lived nearly his entire life in Athens. His father Sophroniscus was a stonemason and his mother, Phaenarete, was a midwife. As a youth, he showed an appetite for learning.
Socrates full name
Plato describes him eagerly acquiring the writings of the leading contemporary philosopher Anaxagoras and says he was taught rhetoric by Aspasia, the talented mistress of the great Athenian leader Pericles.
His family apparently had the moderate wealth required to launch Socrates’ career as a hoplite (foot soldier).
As an infantryman, Socrates showed great physical endurance and courage, rescuing the future Athenian leader Alcibiades during the siege of Potidaea in 432 B.C.
Through the 420s, Socrates was deployed for several battles